Buckinghamshire Short Mat Bowling Association

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 2024 -  2025 DIARY DATES   


Saturday 27th April                 -               T.B.A.                                               4 mats

Saturday 25th May                  -               T.B.A                                                4 mats

Saturday 22nd June                -               T.B.A.                                               4 mats

Saturday 27th July                  -             CANCELLED                                      4 mats  

August                                            NO BOOKING

Saturday 21st September       -               T.B.A.                                               4 mats

Saturday 26th October            -          Long Mat v Short Mat

Sunday 17th November          -               T.B.A.                                               4 mats

December                                           NO BOOKING

Saturday 18th January            -               T.B.A.                                               4 mats

Saturday 22nd February          -               T.B.A.                                               4 mats

Sunday 23rd March                 -                T.B.A.                                              4 mats

All competitions are open to all members of BSMBA registered clubs